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Health is Wealth

Fitness Class
Fitness Class
Core Fitness

We are a family, a team of women, single, married, moms, working moms, and stay at home moms to name a few; that all come together to help others reach their health goals, while building a business right from home! We get paid to get fit and help others do the same…




As the leader of this team it is my responsibility to help you create the business of your dreams right from home that’ll give you flexibility and the freedom to do more of what you love to do. Or maybe you’re like me and just want to add this to what you’re already doing because it’s such a great opportunity! There is no reason for you to have to go out and reinvent the wheel when I have created so many resources and guides all laid out allowing you to take this business at your own pace. So whether you’re juggling a full time job, school, and your kids or you’re a super busy stay at home mom, anyone can find time to build this business.




My story regarding fitness...I’ve had 2 very different fitness journeys in life, which are weight loss and weight gain.  After each of my pregnancies I gained weight. The normal amount during my first pregnancy and way too much during my 2nd pregnancy. My youngest daughter is a twin but I lost her twin in the first trimester of the pregnancy. And it hurt. But I still had another baby to think about so I pushed through it and thanked God for giving me 2 babies and leaving me one. I found my happiness and gained a lot of weight. I’m a happy eater! I’m happy, I’m EATING! So I went from 145lbs pre-pregnancy to 215lbs day of delivery! It took me a year to lose the weight!

Then a few years ago my life took a turn, personal issues, a lot of stress and anxiety. During this time I lost a lot of weight. I was down to 125lbs and that might seem like a normal size to some considering my height but on me it looked like death. I took one picture during Easter and didn’t realize how bad I looked and I didn’t take any more pictures after that until I pieced my life back together. When I’m sad I don’t eat. So it took a lot of work to gain the weight back. But eventually I gained 10 pounds and 135lbs looks healthy on me. So now I try to stay somewhere in between 135-155lbs any bigger or smaller and I start to feel uncomfortable, not myself, etc. So with my clients I let them know I’ve been at both ends of the spectrum I know exactly how it feels to be overweight and underweight. I know how it feels to hear the hurtful comments from strangers, friends and loved ones. “You’re too pretty to carry all that weight.” “Girl are you smoking? Why are you getting so small?” One of my favorites, “Let me get you another plate, you need to put some meat on the bones.” You know they mean well but it hurts and it can make this journey even harder.

Where am I now? I’m still on this journey, still learning but enjoying it! Let me be upfront I love to eat! I enjoy food and I can eat all day long! I’m so serious. I can eat a pint of ice cream in 1 sitting no problem! Being naturally athletic and having discipline with working out has helped me maintain and gain only minimal weight. But you can’t out exercise unhealthy eating habits! IT.WILL.CATCH.UP.TO.YOU! Yes, I’m a personal trainer I motivate clients all the time to reach their goals. I know exactly what to eat to stay healthy…but I’m not always motivated to do it. Just like everyone else personal trainers eat junk too! And sometimes too much. But because I’m always the one motivating and holding others accountable I didn’t have anyone to check me. And that is why I joined this amazing company! I wanted to be a part of a community where I would have a team that could put me in check! As you know I served in the military and I suffer from anxiety, I’m an over achiever and that at times is detrimental to my mental health, I have a small case of OCD. I want to do EVERYTHING and will push myself to do it, then burn myself out. When the burn out hits me then, I’m unhappy I didn’t accomplish what I set out to do. Working out helps me mentally process my day. This is why my workout starts my day. It clears my self-doubt, controls my anxiety and helps me process my schedule.  I also wanted to take my fitness business to the next level, working full time & being a single mom I really didn’t have the time to expand my business like I wanted. I wanted to take my business virtual, but the amount of time it would take to record my workouts come up with different routines…I couldn’t handle it. And I hate not being able to handle what I want to do! But when there’s a will there’s a way and God always makes a way. I became a group fitness instructor to add something to my personal training business but could only give classes about once a month with everything else going on! I knew about the fitness influencer coaching opportunity with this company but I never fully understood how it worked, I didn’t think it was something I could do because if people don’t want to buy something I’m not the pushy sales type of person. But once I did the research, faced my fear and joined, this business gave me the opportunity to join a team, to share my fitness goals so they can hold me accountable if I don’t meet them.  I want to live a long healthy life and stay active for as long as I can. This is it…it’s this life…there’s no 2nd time around. And we can all use a little help.


I’m here for you! I have an entire support system in place of women just like you on their fitness journey. We keep each other accountable, we motivate each other, and we celebrate our victories. Can you trust me? Will you trust me to walk beside you on this journey? Will you trust me to help you succeed? I’m here for you.


Anyone can do this! Like for real for real!! And that anyone includes YOU!!

You do NOT have to be:

  • At your goal weight/fitness level

  • A sales person (never will be!)

  • A fitness professional (but it’s ok if you are)

  • An expert

  • Big on social media or know a lot of people

  • AND you can work out in a gym with our programs if that is your thing! NO PROBLEM! 





It’s actually pretty simple…I workout at the gym before work or with my online fitness program from home. I drink my nutritional shake or healthy breakfast each day, and I share my results and MY journey and story authentically with my followers on social media. This means NO SALES post- I just share ME! I am my brand. People buy the products and programs they see me using and then I add them to my online fitness accountability group where I cheer them on, and help them get the best results! And NO, you don’t have to be a fitness expert, you just have to show up for yourself and those who decide to join you!


The fitness expertise and programs are provided to you from our company, so you don’t have to worry about making up any of that! It’s part of the package! In a nutshell, you begin our health and fitness programs to transform your own body, you share that journey on social media, you host online fitness group with ME as your mentor and invite your followers/friends to get fit with you and earn income for doing so! All you have to be is passionate about bettering yourself, helping people and willing to work hard for something SO rewarding… you get a business, a community of positive people, and health and nutrition programs that will help you get the body you’ve always wanted! Oh, and everything is done online- no products or inventory for you to keep up with or quotas you have to meet or unnecessary products that you are forced to buy. (Thank GOD! No pyramid scheme BS! We aren’t here to take your money, we want to help you earn money by helping others!)



Your income is a direct reflection of your own personal growth and the number of people you help along the way and it’s different for everyone. Personally, through HARD work and dedication I’ve managed to surpass goals regarding this business. And now I want to continue to pay it forward. Not only am I successful but I’ve helped many others just like you do the same thing! What would an extra $500-$1500 a month look like for you? Well it can be done.

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