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Join My FREE Challenge Groups!

Core Fitness

Hey Doll! I'm so glad you're wanting more info and I can't wait to welcome you to our fit family. You've probably seen me working out on my stories, posting my progress pics, doing my thing, but honestly the best part for me, is helping you guys get started too. If you're not happy with your body or even your life...CHANGE IT!  You deserve to feel confident, free, and sexy in your own skin and if that's your goal you're in the right place. Now, if you’re looking for a quick fix this is not it! Speaking from experience, diets don't work and anything promising an easy way out won't last, it just won’t. I'm more focus on getting you LONG-TERM results. No more losing only to gain it right back. No more yo-yo dieting, emotional eating, binge eating, etc.. Day by Day, Pound by Pound!


Here's How It Works!


My online fit camp is FREE, AND you'll have access to it for as long as you want (basically as soon as today) your ONLY investment? That's up to you and your needs! If you just want to be apart of my FREE group that's fine because you can still get results! When you're ready check out the SUMMER STRONG SALE  CHALLENGE PACK that is yours for an entire YEAR. Whether you are wanting to lose 5 pounds or 150 pounds, tone up, gain muscle mass, booty gains, waist shrinkage, or improve your flexibility, and increase your energy levels we can customize a program to meet your needs. You'll have all the tools you need to start your transformation and begin your fitness journey right at your fingertips.  And unlike other fitness challenges, this is done in the privacy of your own home, the gym, your hotel room, your garage, wherever is most comfortable for you. How much time you dedicate to the program is up to all of you need is 10-60 minutes a day. Press play and prepare to GetNICCE!


What does the Basic Package Include?

100+ programs you can stream from your tv, phone, or computer (Just Like Netflix)

- Each program comes with its own ready to follow meal plan and grocery list of accepted foods (Vegan & Breastfeeding Friendly)

- Your first 30-day supply of our super food shake

- Guide to Nutrition

-Shaker Cup

-Free Access to ME!  Your Own Personal Coach

- Access to my private, accountability group for a life time

- Access to ALL programs for an entire year!






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